Examples of Panel Stochastic Frontier Models


As shown in the A Detailed Example section, SFrontiers estimates stochastic frontier models in four steps:

  1. model specification using sfmodel_spec(),
  2. initial values using sfmodel_init() (optional),
  3. maximization options (and others) using sfmodel_opt() (optional),
  4. estimation using sfmodel_fit().

Here we only highlight the first step of using sfmodel_spec() for different models.

Additional Tags for Panel Model

In general, the panel model requires the additional tags of:

  • sfpanel(): the model id, which currently includes TFE_CSW2014TFE_WH2010, TRE, TimeDecay.
  • timevar(): variable of time period,
  • idvar(): variable for individual identification.

Panel True Fixed Effect Model

A general setup of this model is:

\[\begin{aligned} & y_{it} = \alpha_i + x_{it} \beta + \epsilon_{it},\\ & \epsilon_{it} = v_{it} - u_{it},\\ & v_{it} \sim N(0, \sigma_v^2), \quad u_{it} \sim N^+(\mu, \sigma_u^2), \end{aligned} \]

where $\alpha_i$ is the time-invariant and individual-specific effect which is not directly observable. It is not the same as the inefficiency effect, the latter of which is represented by $u_{it}$. Here $\alpha_i$ is assumed to be a fixed parameter which allows arbitrary correlations with $x_{it}$.

Greene (2005) coins the term true fixed effect for this setup in order to distinguish it from other panel SF models where the fixed effect has different interpretations. For instance, Schmidt and Sickles (1984) have $\alpha_i$ in the model and is also a fixed parameter. Their model, however, does not have $u_{it}$. They interpret the estimated $\alpha_i$, after normalization, as the inefficiency effect. Thus their $\alpha_i$ is not the kind of fixed effect in the traditional sense and could be argued as a mixture of the individual effect and the inefficiency effect. Thus, true fixed effect emphasizes the existence of both of the individual effect $\alpha_i$ and the inefficiency effect $u_{it}$ in the model, both of distinct interpretations.

The challenge of estimating such a model is the incidental parameters problem arising from $\alpha_i$. For a linear panel data model, it is common to get rid of $\alpha_i$ before estimation by first-differencing or within-transforming the model. This approach, however, is thought to be infeasible to the above panel SF model because we could not derive the closed-form likelihood function after the model transformation. It was later proven to be not true (see Chen, Schmidt, and Wang 2014).

Let's assume we have a panel dataset containing the production data of $N$ farmers at the annual frequency for $T$ years. We could have $T$ to be different across farmers, i.e., $T_i$. We assume the dataset is named df and is in the DataFrame format and has the following column names (aka variables):

  • y: production output,
  • x1, x2, x3: production input,
  • z1, z2: factors that may affect production efficiency,
  • _cons: a constant variable with values equal to 1,
  • yr: year of production,
  • id: individual farmer's identification number.

First, call in the main packages.

using SFrontiers
using CSV, DataFrames

TFE with dummy variables (Greene 2005, Wang 2003)

This approach simply uses dummy variables to estimate $\alpha_i$, $i=1,\ldots,N$. Thus, it can be estimated using cross-sectional models by adding dummy variables in the frontier() equation. To generate dummy variables from id in the original DataFrame, one may try this method:

df = DataFrame(CSV.File("panel_example.csv")) 
df[!, :_cons] .= 1.0

uid = unique(df.id);
df = transform(df, @. :id => ByRow(isequal(uid)) .=> Symbol(:dummy, uid))

We may want to see what is inside the data now.

julia> describe(df)
106×8 DataFrame
│ Row │ variable │ mean      │ min      │ median     │ max     │ nunique │ nmissing │ eltype   │
│     │ Symbol   │ Float64   │ Real     │ Float64    │ Real    │ Nothing │ Nothing  │ DataType │
│ 1   │ id       │ 50.5      │ 1        │ 50.5       │ 100     │         │          │ Int64    │
│ 2   │ time     │ 3.5       │ 1        │ 3.5        │ 6       │         │          │ Int64    │
│ 3   │ y        │ 0.425722  │ -3.76222 │ 0.400012   │ 3.66662 │         │          │ Float64  │
│ 4   │ x1       │ 0.510121  │ -2.41952 │ 0.517722   │ 3.79116 │         │          │ Float64  │
│ 5   │ x2       │ -0.019732 │ -3.09178 │ 0.00775225 │ 2.99767 │         │          │ Float64  │
│ 6   │ _cons    │ 1.0       │ 1.0      │ 1.0        │ 1.0     │         │          │ Float64  │
│ 7   │ dummy1   │ 0.01      │ 0        │ 0.0        │ 1       │         │          │ Bool     │
│ 8   │ dummy2   │ 0.01      │ 0        │ 0.0        │ 1       │         │          │ Bool     │
│ 98  │ dummy92  │ 0.01      │ 0        │ 0.0        │ 1       │         │          │ Bool     │
│ 99  │ dummy93  │ 0.01      │ 0        │ 0.0        │ 1       │         │          │ Bool     │
│ 100 │ dummy94  │ 0.01      │ 0        │ 0.0        │ 1       │         │          │ Bool     │
│ 101 │ dummy95  │ 0.01      │ 0        │ 0.0        │ 1       │         │          │ Bool     │
│ 102 │ dummy96  │ 0.01      │ 0        │ 0.0        │ 1       │         │          │ Bool     │
│ 103 │ dummy97  │ 0.01      │ 0        │ 0.0        │ 1       │         │          │ Bool     │
│ 104 │ dummy98  │ 0.01      │ 0        │ 0.0        │ 1       │         │          │ Bool     │
│ 105 │ dummy99  │ 0.01      │ 0        │ 0.0        │ 1       │         │          │ Bool     │
│ 106 │ dummy100 │ 0.01      │ 0        │ 0.0        │ 1       │         │          │ Bool     │

This approach may be easier to carry out using SFrontiers's matrix-input method in order to avoid manually inputting the dummy variable names which are quite many.

xvar = Matrix(df[:, [:x1, :x2]])
alldummy = Matrix(df[:, 8:106]) # skip the first dummy to avoid multicollinearity
xMat = hcat(xvar, alldummy) # combine all of the frontier var
yMat = Matrix(df[:, [:y]])
cMat = Matrix(df[:, [:_cons]])

sfmodel_spec(sftype(prod), sfdist(half),  

The rest of the estimation procedures is the same as in other models. In addition to the computational problem (having to estimate a large number of parameters), the approach suffers from the incidental parameters problem (Wang and Ho 2010). The estimates are consistent only when $T$ is large (Greene 2005).

TFE with skew-normal approach (Chen, Schmidt, and Wang 2014)

The authors use results from the closed skew-normal literature and derive the model's closed-form likelihood function after first-differencing or within transforming the model. The model id is TFE_CSW2014.

sfmodel_spec(sfpanel(TFE_CSW2014), sftype(prod), sfdist(half),
             @timevar(yr), @idvar(id),
             @frontier(x1, x2, x3), 
  • The user does not have to first-difference or within-transform the data; the program will perform the transformation.
  • _cons cannot be included in @frontier(), because $\alpha_i$ is a fixed parameter, and including _cons in addition to a full set of $\alpha_i$ would cause multicollinearity.
  • The model does not support exogenous determinants of inefficiency.
  • sfdist() only supports half.

TFE with scaling property and inefficiency determinants (Wang and Ho 2010)

Wang and Ho (2010) propose a model where the $u_{it}$ is modeled as

\[\begin{aligned} u_{it} & = h(z_{it}; \delta)\cdot u_i^*,\\ u_i^* & \sim N^+(\mu, \sigma_u^2), \end{aligned}\]


\[\begin{aligned} h(z_{it}; \delta) & = \exp(z_{it}\delta),\\ \sigma_u^2 & = \exp(c_u). \end{aligned}\]

Both of $\mu$ and $\sigma_u^2$ are constant, and $\mu$ may equal 0 for a half-normal assumption.

The specification has two advantages: (1) The closed-form likelihood function can be derived using the conventional method. (2) The model can easily accommodate exogenous determinants of inefficiency. The model is TFE_WH2010.

sfmodel_spec(sfpanel(TFE_WH2010), sftype(prod), sfdist(trun),
             @timevar(yr), @idvar(id),
             @frontier(x1, x2, x3), 
             @hscale(z1, z2),                # h(.) function
  • The user does not have to first-difference or within-transform the data; the program will perform the transformation.
  • _cons cannot be included in @frontier(), because $\alpha_i$ is a fixed parameter.
  • Giving sfdist(half) and omitting @μ() will estimate the model with the half-normal distribution.

Panel True Random Effect Model

The model is attributed to Greene (2005). It assumes $\alpha_i$ to be a value from a random variable. We assume that

\[\begin{aligned} \alpha_i & \sim N(0, \sigma_a^2),\\ \sigma_a^2 & = \exp(c_a), \end{aligned} \]

where $c_a \in R$ is a constant. The model id is TRE.

sfmodel_spec(sfpanel(TRE), sftype(prod), sfdist(half),
             @timevar(yr), @idvar(id),
             @frontier(x1, x2, _cons), 
  • The constant _cons is included in @frontier() since $\alpha_i$ is random.
  • Giving sfdist(trun) and @μ(_cons) will estimate the model with the truncated-normal distribution.

Panel Time Decay Model

The model is attributed to Battese and Coelli (1992).

\[\begin{aligned} & y_{it} = \alpha_0 + x_{it} \beta + \epsilon_{it},\\ & \epsilon_{it} = v_{it} - u_{it},\\ & v_{it} \sim N(\mu_i, \sigma_v^2), \\ & u_{it} \sim G(t) u_i^*, \quad u_i^* \sim N^+(0, \sigma_u^2). \end{aligned} \]


\[\begin{aligned} G(t) & = \exp[\gamma (t_i − T_i)],\\ \sigma_u^2 & = \exp(c_u). \end{aligned} \]

In the specification, $G(t)$ is a function of time $t_i$, and $T_i = \mathrm{max}(t_i)$ is fixed for an individual. A positive estimate of $\gamma$ thus indicates a decreasing of inefficiency over time (i.e., time decay). The $\mu_i$ can be a function of individual specific variable or a constant ($\mu_i = \mu$).

Note that the frontier function has an overall intercept $\alpha_0$ but there is no individual effect $\alpha_i$ in the model, and so it does not belong to the class of true-fixed or true-random effect model. The model is TimeDecay.

Kumbhakar and Wang (2005) use a variant of the model to study growth convergence of a panel of countries, where they have $\mu_i$ as the country's initial capital stock per capita when data began in the 1960s. We assume $w$ to be such a variable in the following example.

using Statistics, DataFramesMeta  # helps to get `yearT_i = yr_i - max(yr_i)`

# assume `df` is already loaded 
gdf = groupby(df, :id)               # info of data grouping
df = @transform(gdf, yearT = :yr .-  maximum(:yr))   # create yearT

sfmodel_spec(sfpanel(TimeDecay), sftype(prod), sfdist(trun),
             @timevar(yr), @idvar(id),
             @frontier(x1, x2, x3, _cons), 
             @μ(w, _cons),
             @gamma(yearT),              # the G(.) function

Panel Model of Kumbhakar (1990)

The model is attributed to Kumbhakar (1990).

\[\begin{aligned} & y_{it} = \alpha_0 + x_{it} \beta + \epsilon_{it},\\ & \epsilon_{it} = v_{it} - u_{it},\\ & v_{it} \sim N(\mu_i, \sigma_v^2), \\ & u_{it} \sim G(t) u_i^*, \quad u_i^* \sim N^+(0, \sigma_u^2). \end{aligned} \]


\[\begin{aligned} G(t) & = 2 \times [1 + \exp(\gamma_1 (t_i − T_i) + \gamma_2 (t_i − T_i)^2)]^{-1},\\ \sigma_u^2 & = \exp(c_u). \end{aligned} \]

Similar to the previous model, $G(t)$ is a function of time $t_i$, and $T_i = \mathrm{max}(t_i)$ is fixed for an individual. The $\mu_i$ can be a function of individual specific variable or a constant ($\mu_i = \mu$).

Note that the frontier function has an overall intercept $\alpha_0$ but there is no individual effect $\alpha_i$ in the model, and so it does not belong to the class of true-fixed or true-random effect model. The model id is Kumbhakar1990.

gdf = groupby(df, :id)               # info of data grouping
df = @transform(gdf, yearT = :yr .-  maximum(:yr))   # create yearT
df[!, :yearT2] = df.yearT.^2;

sfmodel_spec( sfpanel(Kumbhakar1990), sftype(production), sfdist(trun),
              @timevar(yr), @idvar(code),
              @frontier(lnk, lnl, yr, _cons), 
              @μ(iniStat, _cons),
              @gamma(yearT, yearT2),