Jupyter Notebook

This example and the associated data is also available as a Jupyter notebook for download.

We use an example to go through the specification and estimation process of using SFrontiers in a stochastic frontier (SF) analysis. The example is a cross-sectional stochastic production frontier model with the normal and truncated-normal distribution assumptions. In addition, exogenous determinants are included in the model in the style of Wang (2002). We choose this elaborated model to showcase the features of SFrontiers.

Model Setup

Consider the following setup:

\[ \mathbf{y} = \mathbf{x} \beta + \mathbf{v} - \mathbf{u},\]

where $\mathbf{y}$ is $(N\times 1)$, $\mathbf{x}$ is $(N\times k)$ and includes a column of 1 for intercept, and $\beta$ is $(k \times 1)$. $\mathbf{v}$ and $\mathbf{u}$ are from random variables assumed to follow certain distribution assumptions.

We use $x_i$ (which is ($1 \times k$)) to denote the $i$th observation of $\mathbf{x}$. Other notations follow similarly. The specification of the Wang (2002) model is thus:

\[\begin{aligned} y_i & = x_i \beta + \epsilon_i,\\ \epsilon_i & = v_i - u_i,\\ v_i & \sim N(0, \sigma_v^2),\\ u_i & \sim N^+(\mu, \sigma_u^2),\\ \mu & = z_i \delta \quad \mathrm{and} \quad \sigma_u^2 = \exp(z_i \gamma). \end{aligned}\]

Here, $N^+(\mu, \sigma_u^2)$ denotes a truncated normal distribution obtained by truncating the normal distribution $N(\mu, \sigma_u^2)$ from below at 0. The $\mu$ and $\sigma_u^2$ are thus the mean and the variance of the normal distribution before the truncation. $z_i$ is a vector of exogenous determinants of inefficiency. Wang (2002) parameterizes both $\mu$ and $\sigma_u^2$ by the same vector of $z_i$ while Battese and Coelli (1995) only parameterize $\mu$.

Note that the variance parameters $\sigma_v^2$ and $\sigma_u^2$ are parameterized using exponential functions to ensure positive values. In the case of $\sigma_v^2$,

\[ \sigma_v^2 = \exp(c_v),\]

where $c_v \in R$ is an unconstrained constant, and the log-likelihood maximization is w.r.t. $c_v$ (among others).

goal of estimation

Our goals of the model estimation include:

  • estimate model parameters $\{\beta, \delta, \gamma, \sigma_v^2 \}$,
  • compute the inefficiency index $E[u_i | \epsilon_i]|_{\epsilon_i =\hat{\epsilon}_i}$ and the efficiency index $E[\exp(-u_i) | \epsilon_i]|_{\epsilon_i =\hat{\epsilon}_i}$ at the observation level,
  • calculate the marginal effect of $z_i$ on $E(u_i)$.

1: Giving Model Specification using sfmodel_spec()

We use the production data from paddy farmers in India as an empirical example. The $\mathbf{y}$ is the annual rice production and $\mathbf{x}$ is a vector of agricultural inputs.

There are two ways to provide data to Sfmodel for estimation. One is to use data from a DataFrame where column names of the data are variable names. The other is to use data from matrices or vectors. The latter is the likely scenario in simulation studies where we generate data matrices and feed them to the model. Different ways of providing data would require slightly different specifications of sfmodel_spec().

Since the farmers data is formatted, it is natural to use the DataFrame approach. We will show the matrix approach later.

using DataFrame data

Our farmers dataset is in the .csv format, and we read it in using the CSV package and save it as a DataFrame with the name df.

julia> using SFrontiers        # main packages
julia> using DataFrames, CSV   # handling data

julia> df = DataFrame(CSV.File("sampledata.csv"));
julia> df[!, :_cons] .= 1.0;         # append column _cons as a column of 1 

We append a column of 1 to df with the column name _cons. Adding this constant variable to the dataset is essential because we will use it to estimate constant parameters; more on this later. Before estimation, users should ensure that the data in df has been cleaned, i.e., it contains no missing values or any anomaly that may affect the estimation.

Let's see what is in the data.

julia> describe(df)   # summary statistics
11×7 DataFrame
 Row │ variable  mean       min       median    max       nmissing  eltype   
     │ Symbol    Float64    Real      Float64   Real      Int64     DataType 
   1 │ yvar       7.27812    3.58666   7.28586   9.80335         0  Float64  
   2 │ Lland      1.05695   -1.60944   1.14307   3.04309         0  Float64
   3 │ PIland     0.146997   0.0       0.0       1.0             0  Float64
   4 │ Llabor     6.84951    3.2581    6.72263   9.46622         0  Float64
   5 │ Lbull      5.64161    2.07944   5.68358   8.37008         0  Float64
   6 │ Lcost      4.6033     0.0       5.1511    8.73311         0  Float64
   7 │ yr         5.38007    1         5.0      10               0  Int64
   8 │ age       53.8856    26        53.0      90               0  Int64
   9 │ school     2.02583    0         0.0      10               0  Int64
  10 │ yr_1       5.38007    1         5.0      10               0  Int64
  11 │ _cons      1.0        1         1.0       1               0  Int64

Now we give model information to SFrontiers using sfmodel_spec(). Before we start: I take advantage of Julia's support of unicode characters and use a few math symbols in SFrontiers functions. They are not difficult to use, and they help to match codes to models in papers thus making the code easier to understand. Nevertheless, I provide ascii alias of those symbols that can be used as alternatives.

This function generates a (global) dictionary that is automatically remembered and used in subsequent commands. The following specification indicates a Wang (2002) type of model, i.e., one that has a truncated normal distribution on $u_i$ and both $\mu$ and $\sigma_u^2$ are parameterized by a vector of variables.

julia> sfmodel_spec(sftype(prod), sfdist(trun),
                    @frontier(Lland, PIland, Llabor, Lbull, Lcost, yr, _cons),
                    @μ(age, school, yr, _cons),
                    @σᵤ²(age, school, yr, _cons),
                    @σᵥ²(_cons), message = true);
  • sftype(prod) indicates a production-frontier type of model. The alternative is cost for cost frontier where the composed error is $v_i + u_i$.
  • sfdist(trun) specifies the truncated-normal distribution assumption on $u_i$. Alternatives include half, expo, and trun_scaling.
  • @depvar(.) specifies the dependent variable.
  • @frontier(.) specifies the list of variables used in the frontier equation (i.e., the data of $\mathbf{x}$). The variables are assumed to be linear in the equation.
  • @μ(.) (or @mu(.)) specifies the variables of inefficiency determinants as a linear function in μ.
  • @σᵤ²(.) (or @sigma_u_2(.)) and @σᵥ²(.) (or @sigma_v_2(.)) specify the variables to parameterize the variances. Here we include only the variable _cons in $\sigma_v^2$ so it is estimated as a constant.
  • message determines whether to print the confirmation message of "A dictionary from ...". The default is false.

Note how the constant parameter $\sigma_v^2$ is estimated. Recall the programming trick of using $\sigma_v^2 = \exp(c_v)$ in the likelihood function. Here, $c_v$ is simply the coefficient of the _cons variable.

Note on intercepts and constant parameters

SFrontiers estimates intercepts and constant parameters as the coefficients of a constant variable. That is, if a parameter is constant, SFrontiers requires a variable with values equal to 1. It is true for all equations.

using matrix data (alternative data input)

As aforementioned, data for estimation could also come from matrix and vectors, though the syntax of sfmodel_spec() is slightly different. The following code snippet has a simple example where we generate data in matrix for a normal half-normal model, and use them in sfmodel_spec(). The number of observations is 300.

using SFrontiers, Random, Distributions

cons, x, v = ones(300,1), [randn(300, 2) ones(300,1)], randn(300,1)    

disTN = TruncatedNormal(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, Inf)    # half-normal dist with std dev = 1
u = rand(disTN, (300,1))                       # draw from half-normal r.v. 

y = x*ones(3)*0.5 .+ v .- u

sfmodel_spec(sftype(prod),  sfdist(half),   
            depvar(y),  frontier(x),  σᵤ²(cons),  σᵥ²(cons))

Note that the only difference in the syntax is using the function type of equation names (e.g., depvar()) instead of the macro type names (e.g., @depvar()). The rest of the estimation procedures are the same.

Note on `@depvar( )` vs. `depvar( )`

Macro type of equation names (@depvar(), @frontier(), @μ(), etc.) are used only when the arguments are column names from DataFrames. For everything else, function type of equation names (depvar(), frontier(), μ(), etc.) are used.

2: Providing Initial Values using sfmodel_init() (optional)

Providing initial values is helpful in many cases though it is optional. You could skip it entirely or provide initial values only to a partial list of the equations. If missing (all or part of the equations), default values will be used. Currently, the default uses the OLS estimates as initial values for coefficients in frontier() and $0.1$ for all other parameters. Here we use a mixed strategy in this example.

julia> b_ini = ones(4)*(0.1)                      # a 4x1 vector of 0.1

julia> sfmodel_init(  # frontier(bb),             # skip and use default
                    μ(b_ini),                     # as a vector
                    σᵤ²(-0.1, -0.1, -0.1, -0.1),  # manually input the vector
                    σᵥ²(-0.1) )                   # scalar
  • The order of equations in sfmodel_init() is not important. You can put μ() before or after σᵥ²(), it does not matter.
  • The function type of equation names (e.g., frontier(), μ(), etc.) are used in sfmodel_init().
  • Initial values specified in σᵥ²() is w.r.t. the $c_v$ as in $\sigma_v^2 = \exp(c_v)$. Put differently, the initial value is w.r.t. $\log(\sigma_v^2)$. If we put σᵥ²(-0.1), it means we have in mind the initial value of $\sigma_v^2$ being $\exp(-0.1) = 0.905$.
Note on name conflict

SFrontiers uses names such as μ, σᵥ², gamma, depvar, frontier, etc.. If the names were used elsewhere in the program for different purposes (for instance, using μ to denote the value of a parameter), or users import other packages that use the same names, the name conflicts would arise. Signs of the problem include error messages such as

MethodError: objects of type ... are not callable

There are simple ways to workaround:

  • Use fully qualified names. For instance, use SFrontiers.σᵥ² instead of σᵥ².
  • Use an alias if there is one. For instance, use sigma_v_2 instead of σᵥ². Check out the section of API Reference for more information.

3: Choosing Maximization Options (and others) using sfmodel_opt() (optional)

The main purpose of this function is to choose options for the numerical maximization process, including the choice of optimization algorithms, the maximum number of iterations, the convergence criterion, and others. SFrontiers uses Julia's Optim package to do the maximization, though only a subset of Optim's options are directly accessible through sfmodel_opt().

An effective estimation strategy for challenging optimization problems is to use a non-gradient algorithm in the first stage (warmstart) for a few iterations and then switch to gradient-based algorithms in the second stage (main) for speed and accuracy. SFrontiers uses the two-step strategy by default.

This function is also optional. All or part of the specifications may be skipped. If missing, default values will be used. The following example uses the default values.

julia> sfmodel_opt(warmstart_solver(NelderMead()),   
  • warmstart_solver(NelderMead()): specifies the Nelder-Mead algorithm (which is gradient-free) in the first stage estimation. Mind the braces "()" which is part of the algorithm name. Using a non-gradient algorithm in the first stage is recommended.
  • main_solver(Newton()): specifies the Newton method (which uses 2nd derivatives, i.e., Hessian) in the second stage estimation.
  • warmstart_maxIT(400) and main_maxIT(2000): the maximum numbers of iterations in the first and the second stage estimation.
  • tolerance(1e-8): set the convergence criterion concerning the absolute tolerance in the gradient to 1e-8. For non-gradient algorithms, it controls the main convergence tolerance, which is solver-specific. This is a wrapper of Optim's g_tol option.

If the two-stage strategy is not desired, we can skip the warmstart stage by giving empty keyword values to the first stage options, such as warmstart_solver() or warmstart_maxIT(), or both. Note that if we skip the keywords (i.e., missing warmstart_solver or warmstart_maxIT entirely), the default will be reinstated. Again, the first stage estimation will only be skipped when empty values are explicitly given to the related options.

In addition to controlling the maximization procedures, sfmodel_opt() also provides options to control other things. They and their default values are the follows.

  • table_format(text): specify the format to print coefficient tables on the screen after sfmodel_fit() is run. The choices include text, html (good for web-based notebooks such as Jupyter, Pluto), and latex.
  • banner(true): show banner to help visually identify the start of the estimation.
  • verbose(true): show interim and final results.
  • ineff_index(true): compute the Jondrow et al. (1982) inefficiency index and the Battese and Coelli (1987) efficiency index.
  • marginal(true): calculate the marginal effect of the inefficiency determinants (if any) on the unconditional mean of inefficiency.

Turning the above options to false may sometimes be desirable, particularly in simulation settings.

4: Starting Model Maximization using sfmodel_fit()

Previous steps prepare the model, and now we are ready to estimate it. We use sfmodel_fit() to start the estimation, and it returns a dictionary containing coefficient estimates, efficiency and inefficiency index, marginal effects of inefficiency determinants, and other information of the model. In the following example, we save the returned dictionary in res.

julia> res = sfmodel_fit(useData(df))  # df is the DataFrame

5: Results and Post Estimation Analysis

Main results of the estimation will be shown on the screen after it is done. Let's see what we have.

       Estimation Results:
Model type: the non-monotonic model of Wang (2002, JPA), normal and truncated-normal
Number of observations: 271
Number of total iterations: 153
Converged successfully: true
Log-likelihood value: -82.02573

│          │   Var. │   Coef. │ Std.Err. │        z │  P>|z| │ 95%CI_l │ 95%CI_u │
│ frontier │  Lland │  0.2582 │   0.0725 │   3.5607 │ 0.0004 │  0.1161 │  0.4003 │
│          │ PIland │  0.1717 │   0.1761 │   0.9751 │ 0.3304 │ -0.1734 │  0.5169 │
│          │ Llabor │  1.1658 │   0.0840 │  13.8805 │ 0.0000 │  1.0012 │  1.3304 │
│          │  Lbull │ -0.4215 │   0.0596 │  -7.0668 │ 0.0000 │ -0.5384 │ -0.3046 │
│          │  Lcost │  0.0142 │   0.0128 │   1.1087 │ 0.2686 │ -0.0109 │  0.0394 │
│          │     yr │  0.0183 │   0.0095 │   1.9227 │ 0.0556 │ -0.0004 │  0.0369 │
│          │  _cons │  1.5429 │   0.3578 │   4.3123 │ 0.0000 │  0.8417 │  2.2442 │
│        μ │    age │ -0.0479 │   0.0303 │  -1.5804 │ 0.1153 │ -0.1073 │  0.0115 │
│          │ school │ -0.2143 │   0.1711 │  -1.2523 │ 0.2116 │ -0.5497 │  0.1211 │
│          │     yr │  0.1480 │   0.1248 │   1.1853 │ 0.2370 │ -0.0967 │  0.3926 │
│          │  _cons │  1.0418 │   0.7283 │   1.4305 │ 0.1538 │ -0.3856 │  2.4693 │
│  log_σᵤ² │    age │  0.0256 │   0.0096 │   2.6660 │ 0.0082 │  0.0068 │  0.0445 │
│          │ school │  0.1141 │   0.0569 │   2.0055 │ 0.0460 │  0.0026 │  0.2256 │
│          │     yr │ -0.2256 │   0.0496 │  -4.5507 │ 0.0000 │ -0.3228 │ -0.1284 │
│          │  _cons │ -1.1399 │   0.8904 │  -1.2803 │ 0.2016 │ -2.8850 │  0.6052 │
│  log_σᵥ² │  _cons │ -3.2667 │   0.2623 │ -12.4556 │ 0.0000 │ -3.7808 │ -2.7527 │

Convert the constant log-parameter to its original scale, e.g., σ² = exp(log_σ²):
│     │  Coef. │ Std.Err. │
│ σᵥ² │ 0.0381 │   0.0100 │

Table format: text. Use sfmodel_opt() to choose between text, html, and latex.

***** Additional Information *********
* OLS (frontier-only) log-likelihood: -104.96993
* Skewness of OLS residuals: -0.70351
* The sample mean of the JLMS inefficiency index: 0.33416
* The sample mean of the BC efficiency index: 0.7462

* The sample mean of inefficiency determinants' marginal effects on E(u): (age = -0.00264, school = -0.01197, yr = -0.0265)
* Marginal effects of the inefficiency determinants at the observational level are saved in the return. See the follows.

* Use `name.list` to see saved results (keys and values) where `name` is the return specified in `name = sfmodel_fit(..)`. Values may be retrieved using the keys. For instance:
   ** `name.loglikelihood`: the log-likelihood value of the model;
   ** `name.jlms`: Jondrow et al. (1982) inefficiency index;
   ** `name.bc`: Battese and Coelli (1988) efficiency index;
   ** `name.marginal`: a DataFrame with variables' (if any) marginal effects on E(u).
* Use `keys(name)` to see available keys.

As reminded in the printout, all of the shown statistics and many of the other model information are saved in the dictionary which can be called later for further investigation. We have saved it in res. Let's see the list of available keys.

julia> keys(res)      # keywords in res
(:converged, :iter_limit_reached, :_______________, :n_observations, :loglikelihood, :table, :coeff, :std_err, :var_cov_mat, :jlms, :bc, :OLS_loglikelihood, :OLS_resid_skew, :marginal, :marginal_mean, :_____________, :model, :depvar, :frontier, :μ, :σₐ², :σᵤ², :σᵥ², :log_σₐ², :log_σᵤ², :log_σᵥ², :type, :dist, :PorC, :timevar, :idvar, :table_format, :modelid, :verbose, :hasDF, :transfer, :coeff_frontier, :coeff_μ, :coeff_log_σᵤ², :coeff_log_σᵥ², :________________, :Hessian, :gradient_norm, :actual_iterations, :______________, :warmstart_solver, :warmstart_ini, :warmstart_maxIT, :main_solver, :main_ini, :main_maxIT, :tolerance, :eqpo, :redflag, :list)

Among the keywords is the term :coeff, which indicates the saved coefficient vector. We may retrieve the coefficient vector using res.coeff and save it in the name b0 possibly for later use.

julia> b0 = res.coeff
16-element Vector{Float64}:

The estimation table shown above with the coefficients, standard errors, etc., may also be retrieved using the keyword table (e.g., res.table), though it may not be formatted as pretty.

5.1 hypothesis testing

We may conduct a likelihood ratio (LR) test to see if the data support the frontier specification. The null hypothesis is that the inefficiency term $u_i$ is not warranted, and the model's fit is no better than the OLS.

First, we calculate the test statistics using the log-likelihood values of the OLS model (keyword OLS_loglikelihood) and the current model (keyword loglikelihood).

julia> -2*(res.OLS_loglikelihood - res.loglikelihood)  # statistic of the LR test

Because the test amounts to testing $u_i =0$ which is on the boundary of the parameter's support, the appropriate distribution for the test statistic is the mixed $\chi^2$ distribution. Critical values may be retrieved using sfmodel_MixTable(dof) where dof is the degree of freedom of the test. In this example, dof=8 because there are five parameters involved in $u_i$.

julia> sfmodel_MixTable(8)   # critical values of the mixed chi^2 test

  * Significance levels and critical values of the mixed χ² distribution
│ dof │   0.10 │   0.05 │  0.025 │   0.01 │
│ 8.0 │ 12.737 │ 14.853 │ 16.856 │ 19.384 │

source: Table 1, Kodde and Palm (1986, Econometrica).

Since the test statistic $45.888$ is much larger than the critical value at the $1\%$ level (which is $19.384$), the test overwhelmingly rejects the null hypothesis of an OLS model.

5.2 inefficiency and efficiency index

The Jondrow et al. (1982) inefficiency index and the Battese and Coelli (1987) efficiency index at the observation level may also be retrieved using the keywords jlms and bc. Here we show them in a $N\times 2$ matrix.

julia>  [res.jlms  res.bc]   # efficiency and inefficiency index
271×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.571113  0.574409
 0.510028  0.6102
 0.103925  0.904532
 0.287701  0.758799
 0.151947  0.864143
 0.570984  0.574327
 1.17586   0.314258
 0.428381  0.662442
 0.847952  0.436286
 0.110013  0.899444
 0.175163  0.845745
 0.165558  0.853443

Let's do some graphical presentation on the index using the Plots package. (You may have to add the package by ] add Plots.) The following code plots histograms of the index.

julia> using Plots   # if not installed: `using Pkg; Pkg.add("Plots"); using Plots`

julia> h1 = histogram(res.jlms, xlabel="JLMS", bins=100, label=false)
julia> h2 = histogram(res.bc, xlabel="BC", bins=50, label=false)
julia> h1h2= plot(h1, h2, layout = (1,2), legend=false)


We may save the above figure to the disk for later use. Here we save it in the .svg format as histPlot.svg.

julia> savefig(h1h2, "histPlot.svg")  # or .png, .pdf

5.3 marginal effects

Let's use the keyword marginal to see the marginal effects of the inefficient determinants on $E(u)$ at the observational level, which are saved in the returned dictionary as a DataFrame object.

julia> res.marginal  # marginal effects of inefficiency determinants
271×3 DataFrame
│ Row │ marg_age    │ marg_school │ marg_yr     │
│     │ Float64     │ Float64     │ Float64     │
│ 1   │ -0.00522016 │ -0.023474   │ -0.0134693  │
│ 2   │ -0.00636249 │ -0.0285745  │ -0.00756082 │
│ 3   │ -0.00775711 │ -0.0348048  │ -0.00112862 │
│ 4   │ -0.00953811 │ -0.0427643  │ 0.00631516  │
│ 267 │ 0.00211669  │ 0.00933601  │ -0.0390966  │
│ 268 │ 0.00291555  │ 0.0128358   │ -0.0596532  │
│ 269 │ 0.00221362  │ 0.00971877  │ -0.0518262  │
│ 270 │ 0.00160347  │ 0.00700978  │ -0.0449159  │
│ 271 │ 0.00107273  │ 0.00465371  │ -0.0388223  │

We may also plot the marginal effect.

julia> m1 = plot(df[:,:age], res.marginal[:,:marg_age], seriestype = :scatter, xlabel = "age", 
                 ylabel = "marginal effect of age in E(u)", label = false)
julia> hline!([0.00], label = false)


The plot indicates that production inefficiency decreased (efficiency improved) with age in the early years of the farmer’s life, perhaps because of experience accumulation. But the inefficiency increased with age in later years, perhaps due to deteriorated mental and physical health. Wang's (2002) model allows the non-monotonic effect to show in the data by parameterizing both of $\mu$ and $\sigma_u^2$ by the same vector of inefficiency determinants.

5.4 bootstrapping standard errors and obtaining confidence intervals of the mean marginal effects

sfmodel_fit() calculates the means of the marginal effects and the values are reported in the printout: * The sample mean of inefficiency determinants' marginal effects on E(u): (age = -0.00264, school = -0.01197, yr = -0.0265). We may bootstrap the standard errors and obtain confidence intervals of the mean marginal effects using sfmodel_boot_marginal(). As a demonstration, in this example we use only 100 bootstrapped samples (R=100) and restrict the iteration number to 100 (iter=100). We also save the bootstrapped data by specifying the option getBootData=true and catching it in bsdata from the second return of the function. The data would be $R \times K$ where $K=3$ in this example.

julia> err_ci, bsdata = sfmodel_boot_marginal(result=res, data=df, R=100, seed=1232, iter=100, getBootData=true);

bootstrap in progress..10..20..30..40..50..60..70..80..90..100..Done!

│        │ mean of the marginal │ std.err. of the │       bias-corrected │
│        │       effect on E(u) │     mean effect │    95.0%  conf. int. │
│    age │             -0.00264 │         0.00203 │  (-0.00738, 0.00114) │
│ school │             -0.01197 │         0.01212 │  (-0.03718, 0.01118) │
│     yr │             -0.02650 │         0.01224 │ (-0.04906, -0.00192) │
  • result=res: The returned result from sfmodel_fit() from the main estimation (in our example, res).
  • data=df: The dataset (in DataFrame format) used in sfmodel_fit(). If data was supplied using matrix (i.e., the Method 2 of sfmodel_spec()), this option should be skipped.
  • R=100: The number of bootstrapped samples.
  • level=0.05: The significance level of the confidence intervals. Optional (so not shown in the above example) with the default value equal to 0.05.
  • seed=1232: Optional. A positive integer used to seed the random number generator (rng) in resampling, which ensures reproducibility. This rng is not global and is effective only in this function. If not specified, the global random number generator is used, and the bootstrap result may change (slightly) between runs.
  • iter=100: The iteration limit for each of the maximum likelihood estimation. The default is the one specified by main_maxIT() in sfmodel_opt().
  • getBootData=true: Whether to return the bootstrapped data which is $R x K$ where K is the number of exogenous determinants of inefficiency. The default is false.

See help on sfmodel_boot_marginal for other options.

In this example, the function has two returns. The first one, which we saved in err_ci, is a $3\times 2$ matrix with the bootstrapped standard errors in the first column and the confidence intervals (tuples) in the 2nd column. The second return, which we saved in bsdata, is a $100 \times 3$ matrix of bootstrapped data. More specifically, the first column is the bootstrapped mean marginal effect of age collected from each of the 100 replications. The second and the third columns are the data for school and yr, respectively.

If getBootData=false (the default), there would be only one return (the first one) from sfmodel_boot_marginal().

The saved bsdata data could be used for later analysis. For instance, to obtain confidence intervals at different significance levels, we could re-run sfmodel_boot_margina() with different values of level, but this is time consuming and absolutely unnecessary since the bootstrapped data is the same regardless of the significance levels. Instead, we may run sfmodel_boot_marginal() once and obtain bootstrapped data, and then apply it to sfmodel_CI() to get confidence intervals at different significance levels.

Here we use bsdata in sfmodel_CI() to get the 90% bias-corrected confidence intervals (i.e., at the 10% significance level).

julia> sfmodel_CI(bootdata=bsdata, observed=res.marginal_mean, level=0.10)

Bias-Corrected 90.0% Confidence Interval:

3×1 Matrix{Any}:
 (-0.00687, 0.00073)
 (-0.0316, 0.00695)
 (-0.04771, -0.00464)
  • bootdata=bsdata: The bootstrapped data of size $R x K$, where $R$ is the number of bootstrap samples (replications) and $K$ is the number of statistics.
  • observed=res.marginal_mean: The observed values of the statistics to which the confidence intervals are to be calculated. It could be Vector, Tuple, or NamedTuple. The length of observed should be equal to $K$.
  • level=0.10: The significance level (default=0.05) of the bias-corrected confidence intervals.

Note that here we used observed=res.marginal_mean where res is the model estimation results we obtained earlier from res = sfmodel_fit(useData(df)), and marginal_mean is a field of res containing the mean of the three exogenous inefficiency determinants' marginal effects. We could have manually input the mean effects, e.g., observed=(-0.00264, -0.01197, -0.0265), and the result would be the same.

5.5 predicted values of equations

SFrontiers provides the function sfmodel_predict() to obtain predicted values of model equations after the model is estimated. The following example returns the predicted value of the frontier equation, i.e., $\mathbf{x} \hat{\beta}$.

julia> xb = sfmodel_predict(@eq(frontier), df)   # predict equation `frontier`
271-element Vector{Float64}:

Note that df in the function is the name of the DataFrame which we had used to estimate the model. If matrix and vectors are used as data input, the argument can be skipped. The estimated composed error of the model, namely $\hat{\epsilon}_i = \hat{v}_i - \hat{u}_i$, is then obtained by df[:, :yvar] - xb.

Predicted values of other equations may be obtain in the similar way. For instance, sfmodel_predict(@eq( σᵤ² ),df).

6. save results to disk

We may save the entire res dictionary or part of the results to the disk and load them later in other sessions for further analysis. There are several ways to do this. One is to save the dictionary in a binary file. Here we use the JLD2 package to save it in the HDF5 format.

julia> using JLD2    # which saves objects in HDF5-based Julia Data Format

julia> save_object("model1.jld2", res)       # save `res` dictionary to `model1.jld2`
julia> result1 = load_object("model1.jld2")  # load it back to `result1`

julia> save_object("model1_jlms.jld2", res.jlms)    # save only the JLMS inefficiency index
julia> jlmsindex = load_object("model1_jlms.jld2")  # load it back to `jlmsindex`

It is also possible to save some of the results in the good old text format which is cross-platform, version compatible, human-readable, and likely superior for the purpose of long-term storage. Here we use CSV.write() function from the CSV package that we have loaded earlier. A limitation of the function is that it only saves table-like or matrix-like data. We may not save the entire res dictionary with it.

julia>   # save the marginal effects to `marginal.txt`
julia> CSV.write("marginal.txt", res.marginal );  # res.marginal is a DataFrame

julia>   # save the coefficient vector to `coeff.txt`
Julia> CSV.write("coeff.txt", 
           DataFrame(reshape(res.coeff, length(res.coeff), 1), :auto), 
           header=true);              # res.coeff is a vector

Because res.coeff is a vector, it has to be converted into a matrix to use CSV.write. The reshape() bit is used for this purpose.